The Pioneer Woman

 I was introduced to a new blog from a very good friend of mine, who knows my love for blogging. People around the world know this blogger as a city girl who feel in love with a cowboy! She's called the Pioneer Woman and she marvels in food, photography, her family and life in the country. Her blog is really everything I wish my blog could be. So, I guess she could be an inspiration to doing more things that I love and showing you all.

I love what she says on her site, she says: My name is Ree. I'm a desperate housewife. I live in the country. I channel Lucille Ball and Ethel Merman. Welcome to my frontier. Here is where we have some things in common! We're both gingers! We both love Lucille Ball! And, we love to make yummies! It was meant to be! Thanks Courtney!
