Wedding Weekend: Sunday Dinner at South Coast

A dear friend of ours and my family, Chef Jason Rivas, treated us to a delicious dinner the day after our wedding. It was a late Sunday dinner at South Coast Winery and Jason indulged us in a beautiful five course meal. It was so wonderful, no ... spectacular that there are pictures to show you. To this day we are still talking about it. I know, I should have posted this sooner, but after watching Julie & Julia I have a new found energy and excitement for posting about food. Whether or not I make it, I still enjoy eating it and sharing it. Here is what Jason did for us.

Wine preserved figs with Pointe Reyes
Crab filled garlic tomato
Humboltd fog and proscuitto lollipop
Seared scallops on the half shell with asian slaw
Roasted corn and zucchini "cappuccino"

Beef tenderloin with mushroom glacage, Gruyere & Parmesan slow cook broccoli and leeks, & "paper" wrapped mustard mash

"Deconstructed PB & J": deconstructed Reese's peanut butter cup with chocolate salt fudge brownie and peanut butter creme and deconstructed old fashion jelly donuts

Now all who truly know me know my favorite part of a meal is dessert, but in this case I had my select favorites. The first course was all together to die for. It cohesively flowed together from salty to sweet to savory. I could eat twenty of those crab filled garlic tomatoes and be perfectly happy! The "paper" wrapped potatoes... deconstructed desserts... seared scallops!!! Everything was truly delicious and you can clearly see the passion and thought put into each dish! Each element of each dish!!

Thank you & Cheers to Chef Jason Rivas. He made our night and we finished off our wedding weekend with happy tummies, good friends and loving family. We expected it to be wonderful, but it was much more than what we had anticipated.
