A nice hot cup of ....

Some of you might finish this sentence with "joe." But during the holidays this can change to many festival options. For instance, on a chilly winter's night I like to have organic eggnog, spiked & spiced. So good! Or in the morning before work Danny likes to take hot spiced mulled apple cider. He says it helps him wake up in the morning. Or on a night like tonight, rainy & cold, snuggling up on the couch with a hot cup of cocoa.

Hot Cocoa
1 cup milk 
5 Tbs cocoa mix
Top with freshly whipped cream & chocolate shavings. Serve hot!

Heat milk over medium heat in a small sauce pan until bubbles form on the outer edges. Whisk in cocoa mix until completely dissolved and serve hot! I use the William-Sonoma cocoa mix. It is delicious, quick to make and surprisingly different from the Swiss Mix I had as a kid. Danny surprised me with marshmallow fluff in my second cup because we ate all the whipped cream! Yes, I said it, my second cup!

Mulled Apple Cider

Apple Juice
1 to 2 Tbs mulling spices

At home we use our tea kettle to make our cider, but a sauce pan will work as well. Put however much apple juice you want or feel like in the kettle with mulling spices. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Tip: if you don't have a blend of mulling spices already, use what you have in the cupboard. Whole cinnamon sticks, whole star anise, whole clove & fresh orange peel will work just fine. But if you only have ground spices, put them in cheese cloth to hold together and easily discard later.

Spiked & Spiced Organic Eggnog

1 cup Organic Eggnog
Spiced Rum (Captain Morgan for instance)
Freshly Grated Nutmeg

In a sauce pan over medium low heat, warm eggnog until bubbles form around the edges. Meanwhile pour however much rum into a mug and grate fresh nutmeg into the rum. Pour hot eggnog over spiced rum and top with more freshly grated nutmeg. I like nutmeg throughout the eggnog, not just on top. It is just so good and I look forward to this every year. Madre introduced me to eggnog years ago during Christmas and I have been hooked ever since.
 Tip: I buy my organic eggnog from Whole Foods. Smooth and rich, this eggnog is way better than the generic store brand. It doesn't leave a film in your cup and you always want more!   


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