Extra Christmas Cookies

What to do with all those leftover holiday cookies? Danny and I came home with so many Christmas snowballs, peanut butter bars and sugar cookies, we couldn't possibly eat them all. So, to try something new we combined our Christmas cookies with some pumpkin ice cream I made for thanksgiving. Here is the recipe I found for the pumpkin ice cream!

Pumpkin Ice Cream Recipe
Pumpkin Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches! 

Use two of your favorite Christmas cookies and smush a scoop of pumpkin ice cream between them. Roll in cinnamon or mini white chocolate chips! Enjoy!

Danny also enjoyed my pumpkin milk shake & it used up all the leftover ice cream I had. It just makes more room in the freezer for more ice cream. A win-win situation. 
Pumpkin Shake

Pumpkin Ice Cream (a few scoops)
1 cup milk (use more if needed)
1 tsp cinnamon 
1 tsp freshly ground nutmeg

In a blender combine ice cream, milk, spices and blend together. Use more milk, depending on how thick you like your milk shake. Top with more cinnamon and enjoy! 
